Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Dear Santa

Dear Santa, normally I’d ask for toys and stuff
but things are different this year
I’m not asking for anything.  

What I hope you get and what we can’t forget 

Is there are more important things

Like faith and hope and family, important things you don’t find under a lighted tree.

Dear Santa, those cookies won’t be there this year.  They’re the last thing you need and I confess We live in a world that’s paralyzed with fear.  We’ve left our hope in earthly things and things that never last.  We’re petrified that we’re not in control and that we cannot mask.

Dear Santa, I know this is outside your purview

You aren’t God and you aren’t Jesus

So pardon a moment if It seems I bypass you

I mean, I know elves are fun and flying reindeer are super cool - but they aren’t really real.

My world inside and out turned upside down by more serious things.  I know you can’t help set things right anew - so I know who to turn to.

Dear Jesus, I know you aren’t Santa Claus

Not a myth, not a fable - not some phantom in the north.  A hurting world needs your love That I pray they won’t ignore.  So  bring love, bring your heavenly peace.  To hearts that desperately need hope this year and a dose of your good cheer.  Dear Jesus.

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