Monday, September 2, 2024

Trinkets in the Planter

 Trinkets in the Planter

I stumbled across some old plastic army soldier

His better days are over

But his camouflage has never been outdone

Out here in the yard, under all these leaves and bark

It’s a shame his time’s long past 

When somebody imagines his rank and class

Now He’s just a trinket in the planter

Someday you may stumble on him,

Or one of the many just like this.

Faded memories once loved well,

Now just stories one might tell,

Just trinkets in the planter

That’s not to say they’ve been forgotten

No sometimes even now,

They’ll be a long lost bit of nostalgia

A feeling that might catch ya

And leave you longing for home

Found a Luigi figure lying there in the mud

At least most of him anyway

At some point he must have broke,

From an old keychain

A valued part of life, for such a short time

A treasure all the same

In so many ways

Some day someone might dig him up

And wonder ‘bout the hell he went through

And never know just what

He might of meant to you.

A time when he was more

Than just a trinket in the planter

That’s not to say he’s been forgotten

Though I suppose from day to day that may be true

He’s still a precious memory, a piece of who you came to be

A piece who’s roots run deep into your history

So stranger when you find them,

Know that their more than simple trash

There’s a story to each one

Slivers and pieces like artifacts, little gems of the past

To these trinkets in the planter.