Wednesday, August 28, 2024



You ask me who I am
Some days I'm not sure myself
I can tell you who I want to be
but then act like someone else
They say don't talk to strangers
but that's just who I see
what if the stranger in question
is me?

I'm looking at a stranger
across from me in that glass
there's just so many questions
I'd like for him to ask
but every pending question
is like an arrow to the heart
asking why so great a chasm
between the call and where you are

There's lines where there wasn't
and on the whole there's more grey
time it seems, hasn't gone unpaid
and it's clear what was it's wage
the image in the mirror
may have it's comments to make
and while its image says what I look like
it lies about who I am

truth is you're looking at a stranger
an alien and traveller
a citizen away from home
an ambassador from a foreign place
bearing the image of my king
and the message of his grace

so when you see him live and present in the flesh

I don't want you to be looking at a stranger
a companion you never really knew
a figure out of focus, kept just out of view
when the sun fades into sunset
and we stare long into the night
amongst every joy and failure 
I want to see you by my side.

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Mixed Emotions

 Mixed Emotions

I suppose goodbyes shouldn’t always have to be sad

So I’m not sure why it always seems go down like that

Emotions are wrecked on this side of heaven they say

But sometimes a sunset is just a door to the sunrise on a new day

Yet there always things you’d rather not leave behind

When we’ve said all the words we can say

When parting is the last graceful step left in the way

When you’ve prayed all the prayers you can pray

Sometimes there’s nothing left but goodbye 

Not sure what we would have done different here, was this how we expected things to go?

The waves of opportunity come rolling in

And mixed emotions get shaken up the in undertow

But there so many sights out there to see, 

Climbing the next mountain may demand coming down from the one you’re on.  

When the parties are over and the last piece of confetti has hit the floor

When the keys are surrendered and you’ve locked all the doors

When your fond memories are securely set into place

And it’s time to get this thing under way

Sometimes there’s nothing left but goodbye

Someday on an outbound trip, 

we’ll leave this whole thing behind, 

And the angels will sing from their place in the sky, 

the things we did in the past

Will be tested with fire 

to see if they last

Friend when I catch your eye

Perhaps then it wont be just for goodbye